Lol trappen


Zoals elke dinsdag, Loltrappen! Dit ziet er niet alleen grappig uit, maar het is ook de vraag wat hiervan het voordeel is vergeleken met normale keukentrapjes… Via lolosad


  1. or traditional? Does it conform to the…

    5,7,5 syllable structure? Avoid cliches, keep it real and true to the moment. Haikus are brand new, reflections of another unique moment. They should ooze a sense of momentary revelation. You could also try making it not so serious. Try making it light…

  2. Recent Blogroll Additions……

    […]usually posts some very interesting stuff like this. If you’re new to this site[…]……

  3. Websites we think you should visit…

    […]although websites we backlink to below are considerably not related to ours, we feel they are actually worth a go through, so have a look[…]……

  4. Great website…

    […]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……

  5. Great website…

    […]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……

  6. Gems form the internet…

    […]very few websites that happen to be detailed below, from our point of view are undoubtedly well worth checking out[…]……

  7. Great website…

    […]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……

  8. Great website…

    […]we like to honor many other internet sites on the web, even if they aren’t linked to us, by linking to them. Under are some webpages worth checking out[…]……

  9. You should check this out…

    […] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……

  10. Websites we think you should visit…

    […]although websites we backlink to below are considerably not related to ours, we feel they are actually worth a go through, so have a look[…]……

  11. You should check this out…

    […] Wonderful story, reckoned we could combine a few unrelated data, nevertheless really worth taking a look, whoa did one learn about Mid East has got more problerms as well […]……

  12. certainly help. choose a blog that is…

    strongly related to the subject matter of your site or similar to it and leave comments. many people read these comments and click on who wrote it, and then they will then be linked back to your blog. leaving comments on…

  13. ads turns many people off. experiment with…

    ads and keep the amount of banners you display to a minimum. if you intend to monetize using google adsense make sure you read and understand what you can and cannot do.the focus of your page should be your article; the…

  14. other graduation course, which is minimum 50%…

    marks in 10th and 12th grade. but, there is one more thing which is to be considered as well and that is the marks in subjects such as physics, chemistry and mathematics, as a student getting 50% percentage in his 12th…

  15. next level. you no longer have to…

    wait around to get noticed because your credentials will speak highly about you. just imagine if you are in applying for higher position and you have competition, the management will surely choose the one who have stronger background. because in the…

  16. unique and ideal.5. you should be persistent…

    and determined. your stories or write-ups may not come out as you expected, but never give up. if you give up too early, too soon, then that’s the end of your progress. you will never reach your goal of being a…

  17. going with that passion works well. if…

    you are writing in hopes of building an income, then it becomes a bit trickier. you must turn that passion into something that people will seek out and want to read. this involves making your blog stand out from the rest….

  18. noticed. it’s new – if you have…

    just recently started writing your blog it may not be on everyone’s radar. it takes time and patience for your blog to start getting noticed by readers; but once they discover it odds are that they will likely return to read…

  19. and told their friends, and a lot…

    of those people even bought multiple copies of the book to give as gifts.i’ve experienced this kind of “word-of-mouth buzz” myself recently with the bestselling book “the help.” the publisher may have spent a lot of money to market it, but…

  20. pains and aches after working out. it…

    is just like using an ice pack to soothe sore muscles but without the coldness.recovery labs muscle melt in 200 gram size. when taking a bath immediately after working out, add this to your bath water. this bath salt in a…

  21. is very important in helping to maintain…

    your readership. it is also a very good idea because if you don’t keep your readers interested with updated post entries they will very likely find some other blog that does, and there are so many out there!4. targeted traffic -…

  22. have a great recipe for success. all…

    you need is passion, patience and persistency. with so many millions of sites out there, it can be a little overwhelming to know about the competition. it is important that you focus less on what others are doing and more on…

  23. writing for them?answer: free contentthe same reason…

    that this employment can be so lucrative is the same reason you have to be careful when selecting a company to write for. original content is the lifeblood of websites looking to rank well in google, yahoo, and bing’s search results….

  24. and pouring your passion into your writing,…

    whether it is article marketing or a newspaper column, your writing skills will improve and before you know it you will be an excellent writer. as a writer you are able to expand your knowledge, make a lot of money, and…

  25. and inspirational ideas – any niches chosen…

    for the blog must be able to present contents that will inspire the customer and he will get motivated and take action. your approach must be real and genuine, which will help the readers to get all the information in an…

  26. good writer? “becoming” is underlined because if…

    you are serious about being a good writer you must accept that you are always in the process of becoming. this is what this article is about, the two key ingredients necessary for becoming a good is another way of…

  27. write on all those topics. so, it…

    is best to choose a few of the niches that you can write or are comfortable in writing. this makes you feel confident about writing on a particular topic with necessary research. whether you can write product reviews, or medicine and…

  28. there are ample job opportunities for them….

    recession is mainly said to hit the uneducated low-skilled laborerhow are companies reacting to recession?different companies have different strategies to cope with recession. some are hiring additional workforce, while some are trying to cut down on t…

  29. and customer supportyou will most likely find…

    several copywriting service providers to choose the one that best suits your needs. a good company should also have a good customer support, so do not hesitate. attack them with lots of questions even if they seem silly. they must be…

  30. wrong, i am not talking about formal…

    education necessarily. i am talking about learning practical ways to help you become better at what you do. we should always be striving to improve ourselves at whatever we are doing. my greatest desire is to be a better servant of…

  31. are placed at crucial places in the…

    entire content according to specific density rate. based on the keywords, the search engines determine the rank of your website. higher ranking obviously helps in generating more traffic to your site, facilitating your online business. now, to create a…

  32. time, but if you work hard and…

    don’t lose sight of the goals, your time will come. the important thing for you to do is to keep cooking every minute of the day. you can’t ever taste the warmth and flavor of success without first putting in the…

  33. is because marketing enables you to achieve…

    the desired web traffic so as to enhance profitability. blog posts are great for achieving your web ranking goals. however, it is essential to know how to write posts that are functional. one of the key factors that you should always…

  34. symbol rife with breast issues involves fingernails. chemo…

    caused permanent ridges to form on mine, and herceptin gave them the consistency of tissue paper until the drug left my system. “sally hansen hard as nails” nail polish helped to strengthen them. at my dermatologist’s urging i also took bi…

  35. going to find. if they specifically want…

    to find out about website copy or seo, they can search for that term or check out my archive list and they’ll find the information they need.but if you write about all manner of subjects, how are your readers going to…

  36. the challenge because they assume they need…

    specialized technical skills in order to win grant funding. that assumption is false. though grant writing can be a labor-intensive task, the most critical aspects of writing a winning proposal are not technical secrets available only to professionals….

  37. on the web; • reputed companies will…

    only offer original contents and once offered and paid for the copyright is automatically transferred to the buyer website; • in case of plagiarism and copied contents, the website may be badly penalized by the search engines and may even get…

  38. engines looking for relevant data to what…

    has been searched on. this means that if your web page has a high search engine rank for a particular keyword, then it should appear much higher in the list of results for relevant searches, which gives you’re website a much…

  39. must adhere to certain do’s and don’ts….

    these are essentially important aspects of article writing that must be followed in order to ensure an audience that stays’s of a good article* what do people want to read about? you must make sure that the article you write…

  40. – encourage your reader to take action….

    – ask your reader to share and/or tweet your post. – let your reader know what’s coming up next and to subscribe for updates. – promote products and services. say, “and you might want to check out…”i sincerely hope that these…

  41. celebrity blog. blogs are where you start…

    the fame game, not what makes you famous. people mentioned on a blog are not famous. people with 300 youtube subscribers are not famous. people with 2,000 facebook fans are not famous. to start to get fame, real fame, you have…

  42. of the rings.*pav slams head on table…

    three or four times before looking up at oblivious offender*no, lord of the rings is fantasy, i don’t like that, i like sci-fi.the face before me squishes up as it tries to understand, and then a light comes on behind their…

  43. garbage. make sure you write in good…

    english and your style is not boring. if you run a personal blog, you can use even slang words to get closer to your readers.much depends on your audience. think of people reading your blog: how old they are, what their…

  44. else there are easy to follow instructions…

    on blogger for that as well.the first thing you will see on a blog is the look and feel, this is set up using a standard template from blogger with a few customizations for the type style and color. next you…

  45. from. plugins can be installed for various…

    different tasks, such as seo, traffic generation, social marketing widgets etc. the options can be endless.a bit of advice here though, installing too many plugins on your blog, will slow down its loading time. my advice to you would be to…

  46. is a window into your thinking. if…

    you are with others, but are silent, it is likely those around you will have little or no idea of what you think. even if you speak, talking is an imperfect form of communication because it is quick, typically disjointed, stream-of-consciousness,…

  47. marketing strategy, articles are brandished in difference…

    websites through backlinks.article marketing has definitely come a long way, and has used different variables and media to get through the messages to the right people. there are a lot of rules in the internet to make sure that all articles…

  48. to use social media to spread the…

    word about your new post. surely your target audience will appreciate a well written blog post with interviews and examples.5. another tip would be to leave out any advertising. lets say that a new visitor decides to read your post. however,…

  49. much of each subject that is recommended…

    to read. make yourself a small diary of your tasks, so you can keep track of what you need to do.4. make yourself an outline for your writing – the more you have to rewrite your rough draft, the more time…

  50. always a hot topic. you’ll be able…

    to find plenty of ideas on blogging in this arena, you can take a human rights perspective or write about the history to present-day social injustice as it relates to racism. this hot topic will be sure to gain mass appeal.common…

  51. compelling and enjoyable to read. it should…

    be easy to understand without sounding overly-simplistic.2) a good grasp of english (or whatever language you are planning to write in). you shouldn’t try to write in a language that isn’t your native language, or that you aren’t 100 percent fluent…

  52. product. you can usually charge $500 or…

    more for a quality written ebook. many will happily pay more if the material is top writing for online marketers, forum posting can take hours upon hours. a client may pay you to join a forum on gardening, for example,…

  53. move on to the next step.make a…

    planit can’t be stressed enough that you need a proper plan for your seo project to see success from it. this is something you should do well before you start adding content to your site since it should be composed with…

  54. before going to find something else.however, many…

    open source publishing systems offer simplified functions that make blogging a breeze, but remove rss from the core features. some people believe this problem occurs when the chosen blog is powered by a database type other than mysql, but is not…

  55. curious about virtually any subject, chances are…

    you can find that information on the interwebs. that doesn’t mean that you should not start your own blog. whether it’s for your own personal creativity, or because you want to make money off of it, finding your best blogging niche…

  56. clutteryour sidebar is useful for navigation and…

    sharing some information about your blog. sometimes blogs have a couple of sidebars but usually just one. the sidebar is used to help user navigate through the site, but some webmasters tend to make their sidebars messy with overcrowded widgets, add-on…

  57. your blog to be revisited, especially through…

    online communities by linking back your page. * include categories and tags for your post so that the reader is easily led to the blog. * rss or real simple syndication feeds will be a useful navigation tag.for your business blog,…

  58. their heart’s content! giving credit to the…

    modern-day, easy-to-use programs and websites, even the novice and most technically challenged individual can secure a blog online. this is not necessarily a negative thing; because everyone has different interests and hobbies, therefore anyone can gle…

  59. google after your submission, by following the…

    friendly strategies of google and maintaining your efforts, in time you will be rewarded.reciprocal linking and linking are also essential strategies that can be used to boost your blog traffic. provide several outward links and in order to keep in tou…


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