Lol Trappen


Zoals elke dinsdag, Loltrappen! Voor de leesfanaten onder ons… Via decodir


  1. remember the words I used but only…

    that I wrote about you – how the sun seemed to shine more brightly on you, how smiles came more easily from strangers, how kissing on a bridge looked like the most natural thing to do, and how at night, your…

  2. a formal report to the board of…

    directors.once the purpose and the audience are identified, the next step is organizing the ideas. two methods that can be used are brainstorming and mapping. in brain storming, the writer creates a list of ideas, whether or not they seem irrelevant…

  3. threatening to raise the scales of unemployment…

    by approximately two to three percent, depending upon how severe it is going to be. this suggests that almost five million americans will either loose their jobs, or face unemployment. however, the educated workers are not included in this group, becau…

  4. you’re very upbeat and friendly, you don’t…

    want a writer who comes across as sarcastic and clinical in his writing.most professional writers should be able to write in a neutral sounding voice–professional, easy-to-understand, and helpful. you might not think they sound exactly like you, but y…

  5. as $20 per article, assuming you have…

    an ongoing relationship and are asking for articles to be posted on a regular could also have more than one person write posts. they do not have to all have the same tone but they should all be comparable in…

  6. your child to explore the many articles…

    from reputable educational websites. he will thus be exposed to all kinds of writing and learn from them. he will absorb the rules of grammar that allow him to be a good communicator.another great benefit of blogging that will help your…

  7. also conduct keyword research to make your…

    blog more accurate and provide more information. the more accurate information you have on your blog the more likely others will be to read your important thing is for you to dedicate some time to learn how to increase traffic…

  8. take you seriously. so yes, you need…

    both.what are some of the top reasons writers fail at this? what would you say are the top areas most people go wrong?the number one reason, besides procrastination, is not learning about marketing. many writers think that books will just market…

  9. approaches to make money online. if you’re…

    beginning your first blog, you’re facing many selections about how to set up your blog post, including choosing your blogging service. a blogging service could be the software that will help you turn your writing in to a website that can…

  10. thing is building a mailing list. the…

    good thing is that it keeps your readers coming back. also note that regular readers are more likely to comment. comments are one way a blog shows its authority.the above methods will prove very useful as you build your blog. just…

  11. served elsewhere while your professional bloggers keep…

    the content side of things up to date with fresh quality all five cases, your site is growing. it is growing with quality content, each article providing a new door to your site and what it offers. furthermore, professional content…

  12. or categories. related write-ups may be placed…

    in one category.optimizing content is integral in blogging. if you are into web marketing or optimizing your pages, it is better that you learn the basics of search engine optimization techniques because your blogs gain more traffic when they are optim…

  13. end users need to be educated on…

    the technological advancement. this needs to be done in a non-technical manner as everybody does not understand the technical jargon. this is where technical writing comes into picture. technical writers write articles that explain technology in a mann…

  14. do not just end up annoying everyone…

    with rubbish contributionsthe more blogs that link to your webpage help you to get more targeted traffic to your site. do you have an architecture and design magazine that requires good writers who can understand your in house style and implement…

  15. a brief text description of any videos…

    posted. include relevant keywords in these descriptions, so that they will be counted by the search your site starts to gain some ground, pay attention to the site statistics, such as total number of readers and what pages they visit….

  16. of advertising, you can show the ads…

    for some particular products. you can use the products from online stores or auctions. as a result, the ads for products will start showing on your blog. these ads will be relevant to the content of your blog.before starting the product-based…

  17. can simply take the advice of someone…

    who has done it for you.industry review1. elance – elance is one of the world’s leading platforms for online employment. they help businesses hire, manage and pay professionals in the cloud. thousands of businesses use elance to find original content …

  18. in a way or the other. the…

    way of conveying messages should, therefore, be business-like in tone in order to help sell the products or services successfully. at the same time, it needs to be said that there are many websites which aim to cater information in the…

  19. post a tutorial. you can identify a…

    specific problem and walk through the steps on how to solve that problem. we all have problems in one way or another. so by giving a solution to a problem in your niche you are assured to satisfy your readers’ appetite.use…

  20. them before embarking on profiting from them….

    after all, would you buy anything from somebody you don’t know or trust? building a responsive list of subscribers is the most effective way to make money from the best blog sites. why only the best blog software will doselecting the…

  21. suggest that you write a controversial post…

    at least once a month. this will ensure that people don’t associate your blog with being that way all the time.the title is the only thing that matters. i know, that’s a pretty bold statement, but it’s pretty important. you see,…

  22. claim they are excellent at writing content,…

    when they are poor quality writers. businesses and individuals need to make sure the writer has the skills and the quality to write proper seo articles. otherwise, you are paying for poor quality content that will not increase your ratings in…

  23. a couple of comic book series to…

    try this on are x-statix and waid and kitson’s legion of superheroes. the issues of these series are so well-constructed that they can be read backwards just as easily as they can be read linearly.if a story is not able to…

  24. traffic that you’d like.1. great contenta blogger…

    should always be able to catch the attention of almost every individual surfing the internet. try to add your own unique content to your blog which attracts your visitors so they come back to your blog to get more. most search…

  25. site. they can open, read, write comments,…

    and get information easily without the time consuming process that is more common with other marketing tools like online link to customers other forms of marketing tools do not quite match the power of blogs. because your clients can post…

  26. high quality images and learn how to…

    write headlines that grab the attention of target prospects. use viral titles because they are effective and are the most crucial point of contact with your target prospects. the content should be professionally structured for skimming. additionally, u…

  27. kind of content for your website.the writer…

    you plan on hiring must have a proper knowledge of seo so that the content is keyword based. he should have a huge database of online marketing. the writer must be conversant with the style of writing in internet marketing. hire…

  28. niche. doing research will allow you to…

    get fresh information that will surely make your articles more effective. if needed, interview other people particularly those that are considered authority in your chosen niche. plan ahead. you need to keep your articles short. it will really help if …

  29. readers to extract the messages at a…

    quick look.sometimes proper images can really be self explanatory. using the right images can take your blog to another level since your readers will have an easy time going through your posts, hence encourage them to participate more in your blog.neve…

  30. mental stability.if your concern is how to…

    make ends meet with only one parent in the workforce, there is a solution to the dilemma. you can enjoy earning while being able to take care of the kids. there are many ways to make money fast while being at…

  31. that if the article contains strong and…

    relative keywords for a particular topic, it can generate a tremendous amount of traffic for an online website. with so many article writers to choose from, many businesses are left asking themselves, what does it truly take to become and be…

  32. tip as it involves a bit more…

    to accomplish well. search engine optimization, seo, is making your blog search engine friendly so that it appears on the first pages of sites like google, yahoo search, bing, you get the idea. there are as many seo tricks out there,…

  33. to get readership and attention. writing about…

    what people are talking about, excited about or feel strongly about already ‘piggybacks’ existing media and topics. show your readership you’ve got your finger on the pulse by covering breaking news before others. this strategy can be a good way to…

  34. that this occurs due to various reasons….

    one of them is distribution of irrelevant and low-key web contents. contrarily, when web searchers can locate good web contents, they also seek to preserve them. they either want to take a print-out of the page or scan the copy to…

  35. click away. for seo purposes your title…

    will rank for the experienced web users, who will type in words such as ‘why’, ‘how’ ‘what’, etc. on top of the keywordso when choosing a title for your blog post, think about what titles interests people and makes google index…

  36. is important. building a solid foundation of…

    writing skills is important to success. having the skills prior to applying is much better than working on a project only to find, you do not have the skills needed.the internet is a valuable tool when learning about english and writing…

  37. many of the top results, not all…

    but many, had the keyword as part of their domain which leads me to think keyword based domains are important. another important element when registering your domain is to try and have the extension as, however numerous sites get away…

  38. try to test their intelligence by complicating…

    the language of your article. 5. there’s no point meeting the deadlines by failing the level of quality 6. a writing should be such that it can keep your readers hooked up to the article to read it till end and…

  39. the link building wave of the future….

    there are hundreds of social networking sites and tools to take advantage of for their potential seo value. social media link building doesn’t stop at facebook and twitter. for maximum results, you will need to have some influence and a network…

  40. at your art.but king also suggests that…

    “great writing” is something else altogether. every now and then there comes along someone with such raw talent that the world is in awe of him or her! this level of writing is rarely achieved and those who do outlive their…

  41. loads of photos, create albums and galleries….

    you copy some code into a page, give it a title and hit publish to create picture galleries within your site. it has several widgets that can be placed into the sidebar creating a picture of the day/hour, a slide show…

  42. in a blog make people noticehave…

    you ever wondered why children and grown-ups alike are attracted to picture books or websites that have eye-catching images? this is because most people tend to associate a lot of meaning to pictures.when used appropriately, a picture can enhance what …


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